2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog Interdisciplinary Studies Program
Admission/Retention Requirements
Course Finder
Interdisciplinary Studies Majors
Degrees Offered: B.A. or B.S.
Interdisciplinary Studies Major
Under the Major in Interdisciplinary Studies, a student may construct one of three individualized programs of study that differ from the University’s regular major programs. These options use existing University courses and lead to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. Each sequence addresses a different set of educational objectives.
Human and Educational Services Sequence
This sequence recognizes work that students have completed in working towards a teacher education degree. Completion of this degree program does not allow for recommendation for teacher licensure. Students in this program will earn a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Degree and have their transcripts noted: “Plan: Interdisciplinary Studies; Sub-plan: Human and Educational Services Sequence.”
View Human and Educational Services Sequence Requirements
Individualized Sequence
This sequence allows a student to design, with the help of a faculty sponsor, a specialized program of study that is not offered by the University. This program is intended for the student whose specific interests do not fall within existing programs. Some topics recently chosen by students include East Asian Studies, Classical Civilization, Three-Dimensional Design, International Public Administration, and Theatre Management. The Individualized Sequence is often a second or auxiliary major but may be proposed as a primary major. Students who complete the Individualized Sequence will earn a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree and have their transcripts noted: “Plan: Interdisciplinary Studies; Sub-plan: Individualized Sequence; Theme: __” (the theme specified on the plan of study).
View Individualized Sequence Requirements
Liberal Studies Sequence
Liberal Studies provides opportunities for students to build a concentration of coursework to create a major of interest. It is intended for the student who is seeking a baccalaureate degree without the specialization of a traditional major. The student chooses the focus of the program by determining the departments or schools in which they wish to pursue advanced work and will work with an advisor to develop a plan of study to meet all degree requirements. Students who complete the Liberal Studies Sequence will earn a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree and their transcript will be noted “Interdisciplinary Studies; Liberal Studies Sequence.”
Interdisciplinary Studies Minors
Minor in African-American Studies
The Minor in African-American Studies provides an interdisciplinary approach to the examination of black politics and life in the United States. This program is designed to be of interest to students who want to explore the many contributions African-Americans have made to the political, historical, social, and artistic fabric of the United States. Students are required to take a core of two courses on African-American history and literature, as well as elective courses in the social sciences (History, Sociology, and Politics and Government) and in the humanities and fine arts (English, Music, and Theatre and Dance), and in interdisciplinary programs (including relevant course offerings in Interdisciplinary Studies and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies).
18 credit hours required
Required core (6 hours)
Take 4 additional courses (12 credit hours) from the following
- ENG 165 or ENG 265
- ENG 365
- HIS 111 or SOC 111
- HIS 257 or HIS 258
- HIS 284
- HIS 315
- HIS 328
- IDS 121A17
- IDS 121A37
- MUS 153
- MUS 154
- MUS 157
- POL 334
- PSY 327A02
- SOC 264
- SWK 310
- THE 154
Other courses approved by the minor advisor may be counted toward the minor. Topics courses (e.g., HIS 309, SWK 330, WGS 391) are commonly used as electives for the minor but must be preapproved by the minor director and advisor.
Minor in African Studies
A Minor in African Studies will complement a major in several disciplines. It is therefore designed as a multi-disciplinary program where the student will take courses in the social sciences, arts, and humanities (English; Geography; History; Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Music; Politics and Government; Sociology/Anthropology; and Theatre and Dance). The Minor will provide students with a broad background in African history, societies, culture, and politics. The program is directed towards students with a view of visiting or working in Africa or those who are interested in government or public service careers.
21 credit hours required
Take 3 courses (9 credit hours) from the following (at least two disciplines must be represented)
Take 4 courses (12 credit hours) from the following
The following courses may also be taken if not completed as part of required core above
- No more than 9 credit hours may be selected from the student’s first or second major department or school.
- Other courses may be counted toward the minor if approved by the minor advisor.
- African Studies minors are encouraged to study abroad in Africa. There are a number of study abroad programs in which students can participate that range in length from a summer to a semester, or an entire academic year. Interested students should contact the Office of International Studies and Programs.
Minor in Children's Studies
The Minor in Children's Studies provides an opportunity for students to enhance their knowledge of children and child culture through interdisciplinary exploration of child-related issues. This program is designed to be of interest to students who wish to pursue child-related emphases in their major disciplines, such as education, children's literature, child psychology, children's history and culture, pediatrics, juvenile justice, or social work with children, or for those who wish to learn more about the subject of childhood from multidisciplinary frames of reference.
The minor will also provide a foundation for those students who intend to go to professional or graduate school to pursue child-centered research interests.
21 credit hours required
Take 1 of the following
Take a minimum of 2 courses from Group A and a minimum of 2 courses from Group B
Group A—Humanities and Fine Arts
- ART 204
- ART 208
- ENG 170
- ENG 271
- ENG 272
- ENG 370
- ENG 372
- ENG 373
- ENG 374
- ENG 375
- HIS 261
- HIS 262
- HIS 330
- MUS 277
- MUS 278
- MUS 371
- DAN 229
- DAN 283
- THE 281
- THE 282
Group B—Social Sciences
- CJS 215
- CSD 115
- CSD 175
- FCS 231
- FCS 233
- FCS 250
- POL 339
- PSY 213
- PSY 215
- PSY 302
- PSY 346
- SOC 262
- SOC 318
- TCH 130
Take an additional elective course (3 credit hours)
Options for the elective can come from Group A, Group B, or, with permission of the minor advisor and arranged or offered through a department or school, the following categories of courses:
- 3 credit hours of an internship with a child-related agency
- 3 credit hours of an independent study on a child-related topic
- 3 credit hours of a special topics course on a child-related topic
Students may count no more than 9 credit hours from their major’s department towards the completion of this minor.
Minor in Civic Engagement and Responsibility
Illinois State’s core values are at the heart of the Civic Engagement and Responsibility minor. This interdisciplinary minor prepares students to enact social change and to develop an awareness of personal social responsibility that includes active engagement in their communities. Students in the minor collaborate with community partners to create a more just and equitable world. The minor gives students opportunities to sharpen their analysis of social issues, practice public problem solving skills, reflect on civic engagement experiences with an appreciation for individual and community strengths, and enact a commitment to ethical civic action. The minor is open to students of any ideological viewpoint and can be matched with any major to broaden their learning experience and career perspectives.
21 credit hours required
Required courses (9 credit hours)
Take 4 courses (12 credit hours) from the following (only one course at the 100 level can be taken)
- CJS 102
- CJS 360
- COM 201
- COM 272
- COM 274
- COM 303
- COM 304
- COM 356
- COM 371
- COM 375
- EAF 228
- EAF 231
- EAF 235
- FCS 328
- FCS 333
- HIS 242
- HIS 253
- HIS 259
- HIS 322
- HIS 328
- IDS 231
- IDS 232
- MUS 153
- MUS 154
- PHI 104
- PHI 150
- PHI 234
- PHI 236
- PHI 240
- POL 106
- POL 214
- POL 220
- POL 221
- POL 222
- POL 225
- POL 307
- POL 308
- POL 310
- POL 312
- POL 339
- PSY 213
- PSY 302
- SOC 241
- SOC 333
- TEC 275
- THE 154
- THE 344
- No more than two elective courses (6 credit hours) can be taken in any single department or school.
- Other courses approved by the minor coordinator may be counted toward the minor.
Concentration for Teacher Education Majors Interested in Urban Education
The Minor in Civic Engagement and Responsibility also offers a special concentration for teacher education majors. You should consider this concentration if you have an interest in urban education and you want to collaborate with urban communities for advocacy and social justice.
The concentration includes courses that have a strong focus on diversity, anti-racism, and community-engaged classrooms. Many of these courses offer hands-on activities and assignments in urban schools and communities. The courses let you dig deeper and explore systemic issues of race, class, and privilege as you observe, interact, and apply your entire curriculum into your teacher identity and practice.
Teacher education majors interested in urban teacher preparation courses with designated sections can refer to UTP Passport (TeacherPipeline.IllinoisState.edu/National Center for Urban Education) for updated course information.
In consultation with their advisor, teacher education majors interested in urban teacher preparation are recommended to choose four courses (12 credit hours) from the following courses that have an urban education focus (only one course at the 100 level can be taken)
- BSC 307
- CHE 161
- CJS 102
- EAF 228
- EAF 231
- EAF 235
- GEO 307
- HIS 290
- HIS 390
- HSC 387
- LAN 319
- MAT 201
- MAT 223
- PHY 353
- PSY 213
- PSY 215
- PSY 302
- SED 205
- SED 360
- SOC 109
- SOC 241
- SPA 213
- SPA 244
- TCH 110
- TCH 204
- TCH 205
- TCH 208
- TCH 212
- TCH 232
- TCH 233A01
- TCH 319
Minor in Cognitive Science
Programs must be planned in consultation with the director. Students are required to seek an advisor through the Director of Cognitive Science Studies. A planned course of study should be developed and approved by the Cognitive Science Studies director. In consultation with the director, the student will choose an emphasis that is outside the student’s major and will fulfill the requirements of that emphasis.
24 credit hours required
IDS 265
Complete 1 of the following emphasis areas
Computer Science
- IT 168, IT 179
- 2 courses (6 credit hours) from Groups A and/or B
- 1 course (3 credit hours) from Group B
- 2 elective courses (6 credit hours) from Groups C, D, E, or F
- ENG 341
- PHI 112
- 2 courses (6 credit hours) from Groups A and/or B
- 1 course (3 credit hours) from Group C
- 2 elective courses (6 credit hours) from Groups B, D, E, or F
- PHI 112
- PHI 251 or PHI 253 or PHI 315
- 2 courses (6 credit hours) from Groups A and/or B
- 1 course (3 credit hours) from Group D
- 2 elective courses (6 credit hours) from Groups B,C, E, or F
- PSY 231
- PSY 138 (recommended) or ECO 138
- 2 courses (6 credit hours) from Groups A and/or B
- 1 course (3 credit hours) from Group E
- 2 elective courses (6 credit hours) from Groups B, C, D, or F
Group A - Quantitative Skills
Group B - Computer Science
Group C - Linguistics
- ANT 277
- COM 370
- COM 372
- CSD 175
- ENG 241
- ENG 243
- ENG 245
- ENG 310
- ENG 341
- ENG 344
- FRE 209
- FRE 335
- FRE 340
- GER 310
- SPA 215
- SPA 310
- SPA 311
- SPA 360
- SOC 338
- ANT 143 or ENG 143 or LAN 143
- ANT 342 or ENG 342
Group D - Philosophy
Courses with * may be used only when the topic is approved by a Cognitive Science advisor.
Group E - Psychology
Group F - Related Courses
Minor in Entrepreneurship
The Minor in Entrepreneurship is a cross disciplinary approach to teaching basic entrepreneurial skills to undergraduate students from diverse major programs. The minor provides a hands-on, transformative approach allowing students to better practice their passions through private business endeavors. Students completing the Minor in Entrepreneurship are encouraged to participate in the Start-Up Showcase towards the end of their minor coursework.
18 credit hours required
- IDS 113
- MGT 128
- MGT 328 (should be completed as the capstone course after completing all the required and elective courses
9 credit hours of electives (must be pre-approved by advisor). Electives may included discipline specific coursework, independent study, or an approved Professional Practice or Internship. A maxim of 3 hours may be taken as an Independent Study.
Minor in Ethnic Studies
Ethnic Studies is the study of race and ethnicity in U.S. and transnational contexts. Students and faculty in this area examine how people conceptualize social categories like race, indigeneity, culture, ethnicity, and nation. We also familiarize ourselves with the specific and comparative experiences (both historical and contemporary) of the major population groups that make up the United States and the globe. The program at Illinois State allows participants to examine regional, national, and global dimensions of these experiences.
Students interested in pursuing a major in this area may arrange their program of study through the Interdisciplinary Studies Major program in consultation with the Ethnic Studies advisor.
Minors are also available in three specific areas: African-American Studies; Latin American and Latino/a Studies; and Native American Studies. A list of affiliated faculty and more information is available through the Ethnic Studies website. Other affiliated programs include: African Studies, East Asian Studies, and Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies.
18 credit hours required
Take 6 courses as indicated below from the following groups (at least 4 courses must be above the 100 level). With consent of the faculty advisor, students may use departmental or IDS 287, 298, or 398 courses for one course in Group II and/or one course in Group III.
Group 1 - Ethnicity - minimum of 1 course required
Other courses with appropriate content for Group I may be approved by the faculty advisor.
Group 2 - Race and Ethnicity in the United States - minimum of 3 courses required from at least 2 departments/schools
Other courses with appropriate content for Group II may be approved by the faculty advisor. Courses in non-English-language U.S. literatures and cultures, if appropriate to the minor and the student’s focus as determined by the faculty advisor, will be approved.
- ANT 278
- ANT 280
- ANT 351
- ANT 384
- ART 307 (restricted to Art majors)
- CJS 308
- CJS 360a20
- COM 313
- EAF 228
- EAF 231
- EAF 235
- ENG 165
- ENG 265
- ENG 266
- ENG 267
- ENG 365
- FCS 252
- GEO 306A22
- HIS 104A06
- HIS 257
- HIS 258
- HIS 284
- HIS 310
- HIS 315
- HIS 328
- HIS 111 / SOC 111
- IDS 121A29
- IDS 121A37
- IDS 121A52
- LAL 250
- LAL 391
- MGT 120
- MGT 349
- MUS 153
- MUS 154
- MUS 157
- POL 308
- PSY 327
- PSY 327A01
- PSY 327A02
- PSY 327A03
- SOC 109 / LAL 109
- SOC 368 / LAL 368 / WGS 368
- SPA 235
- SWK 310
- TCH 110
- TCH 207
- TCH 232
- TCH 319
- TCH 320
- TCH 321
- THE 154
Group 3 – Global Contexts - minimum of 2 courses required
Other courses with appropriate content for Group III may be approved by the faculty advisor. Courses in second-year language (and beyond) and courses in global English-language or non-English-language literatures and cultures, if appropriate to the minor and the student’s focus as determined by the faculty advisor, will be approved.
- AGR 201
- ANT 185
- ANT 294
- ANT 303
- ANT 307
- ANT 308
- ART 275
- ART 283
- ART 303
- CHI 115
- CJS 306
- CJS 369
- COM 320a01
- COM 390a01
- DAN 374
- ENG 206
- ENG 206a01
- ENG 206a02
- ENG 206a03
- ENG 206a04
- FCS 222
- FRE 314
- FRE 325
- GEO 142
- GEO 235a01
- GEO 235a02
- GEO 235a04
- GEO 235a07
- GEO 306a26
- HIS 104a01
- HIS 104a02
- HIS 104a03
- HIS 104a04
- HIS 104a05
- HIS 263
- HIS 265
- HIS 266
- HIS 267
- HIS 271
- HIS 272
- HIS 275
- HIS 276
- HIS 282
- HIS 283
- HIS 307
- HIS 334
- HIS 335
- HIS 336
- HIS 370
- HIS 373
- HIS 375
- IDS 121a68
- IDS 203a05
- IDS 203a10
- IDS 203a15
- JPN 115
- JPN 116
- JPN 231
- JPN 232
- LAL 391
- LAN 206
- LAN 206A01
- LAN 206A02
- LAN 206A03
- LAN 206A04
- MGT 120a01
- MGT 349
- MUS 275
- MUS 356A01
- NUR 313
- PHI 207
- PHI 209
- PHI 258
- POL 140
- POL 240
- POL 245
- POL 246
- POL 247
- POL 340
- POL 345
- POL 349
- SPA 116
- SPA 244
- SPA 326
- SPA 327
- SPA 336
- SOC 220
- SOC 318
- THE 271
- THE 271A07
- THE 275A01
- THE 275A02
- THE 375
More than one decimalized variant of ENG 206, GEO 235axx, HIS 104, IDS 121, IDS 203, THE 271 and/or THE 275 may be taken for credit in the minor.
Minor in European Studies
The Minor in European Studies is interdisciplinary and international in scope. This minor will help prepare students for careers in multiple fields by providing a cohesive program of study in the arts, history, languages, and society of one or more European nations, or by providing a foundation for advanced study in one of several disciplines such as European Union Studies, Fine Arts, European Language and Literatures, European History, International Business, International Law, International Relations, or Journalism.
In this minor, students will complete six hours of core courses: IDS 112 (or HIS 101, HIS 102, or HIS 107) and IDS 212. Students are required to achieve proficiency in a European language other than English, equivalent to three semesters of university-level coursework. Students complete the minor requirements by selecting a minimum of six hours of electives from a list of approved university-wide courses. Study abroad in a European country is strongly recommended. The minor is versatile and can be customized to complement an individual student’s interests in various fields of study. At least four of the courses in the minor curriculum qualify for general education credit. This program will be supervised by the departments of History, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, and the School of Art.
24 credit hours required (6 credit hours at the 200 or 300-level)
- IDS 212
Proficiency equivalent to LAN 111-115 required in a European language other than English (12 hours). A student who took foreign language courses in high school may be able to meet the requirement of completing one or more of the LAN 111-115 courses through proficiency credit awarded upon completion of high level LAN courses.
Take 1 of the following
2 additional courses (6 hours) in an area of concentration required from the list of electives, at least 3 hours at the 200 or 300-level
- ART 155
- ART 156
- ART 240
- ART 241
- ART 242
- ART 244
- ART 263
- ART 266
- ART 280
- ART 281
- ART 304
- ART 305
- ART 306
- DAN 372
- ECO 245
- ECO 345
- ECO 346
- ENG 110
- ENG 213
- ENG 214
- ENG 216
- ENG 218
- ENG 219
- ENG 222
- ENG 241
- ENG 310
- ENG 311
- ENG 320
- ENG 324
- ENG 327
- ENG 329
- ENG 378
- FRE 209
- FRE 213
- FRE 305
- FRE 340
- FRE 341
- FRE 385
- FRE 386
- GER 211
- GER 213
- GER 285
- GER 310
- GER 317
- GER 385
- HIS 210
- HIS 220
- HIS 221
- HIS 222
- HIS 223
- HIS 224
- HIS 225
- HIS 226
- HIS 228
- HIS 229
- HIS 231
- HIS 232
- HIS 233
- HIS 234
- HIS 235
- HIS 237
- HIS 279
- HIS 284
- HIS 308
- HIS 334
- HIS 335
- HIS 336
- HIS 337
- HIS 338
- HIS 345
- HIS 350
- HIS 355
- HIS 356
- HIS 366
- HIS 367
- HIS 368
- HIS 369
- IDS 121a22
- ITA 221
- ITA 222
- MUS 253
- MUS 254
- PHI 222
- PHI 232
- PHI 233
- PHI 250
- PHI 254
- PHI 255
- PHI 350
- POL 141
- POL 241
- POL 252
- POL 255
- POL 344
- POL 351
- SPA 213
- SPA 214
- SPA 215
- SPA 223
- SPA 233
- SPA 240
- SPA 243
- SPA 305
- SPA 323
- SPA 324
- SPA 337
- SPA 360
- THE 300
- THE 370
- THE 376
- THE 377
Study abroad in Europe is strongly recommended. A 2.0 major GPA is required to graduate with this minor. All required and elective courses must be completed with grades of C or better.
Minor in Food Studies
The Food Studies minor at Illinois State helps you understand the biological, cultural, environmental, philosophical, and political aspects of food and food systems. This interdisciplinary field prepares you for food-related jobs in education, health sciences, government, the non-profit and advocacy sectors, and the food industry. Food Studies gives you the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of courses. From agriculture to nutrition, this minor is tailored to each student to provide a unique experience for everyone. Learn about the food industry from every angle possible.
18 credit hours required
Take 1 of the following
Take 1 of the following Professional Practice courses from participating departments
- 398
- 398A01
- 398A02
12 credit hours of electives from the following
- AGR 120
- AGR 157
- AGR 201
- AGR 203
- AGR 234
- AGR 257
- AGR 319
- ANT 105
- ANT 273
- ANT 343
- ECO 255
- FCS 102
- FCS 113
- FCS 208
- FCS 213
- FCS 217
- GEO 205
- GEO 334
- HSC 156
- HSC 208
- MKT 230
- MKT 236
- PHI 236
- SOC 302
- SOC 330
No more than 9 credit hours may be counted toward the minor from the student's major department.
Minor in Social Aspects of Aging
18 total hours required
6 credit hours of required courses
15 credit hours of electives courses approved by the Gerontology Committee include the following (other courses will be considered in special circumstances, subject to approval by the gerontology coordinator)
- COM 331
- FCS 304
- FCS 305
- FCS 363
- HSC 208
- HSC 258
- HSC 386
- HSC 292
- HSC 394
- PSY 213
- PSY 302
- PSY 303
- SOC 212
- SOC 310
- SOC 311
- SOC 318
- SOC 342
- SOC 362
Minor in Global Studies
The minor in Global Studies is an interdisciplinary program designed to enrich development of students as global citizens, and to prepare them for navigating an increasingly dynamic, complex and interconnected world. The minor helps students develop a global vision by promoting awareness of significant political, economic, and social interactions and impacts of those on the world. Critically examining contemporary global issues, events, processes and trends from multiple perspectives will improve adaptability and innovative problem solving, and prepare students for careers in public, private, and non-profit organizations where global knowledge, skills and commitment to diversity and sustainability matters. At the same time, a global education can help students develop greater self-awareness of their own identities and how they are connected to the larger world. The minor is highly individualized and can be tailored to enhance many major fields of study and other minor programs.
21 hours required
Take a minimum of 2 courses from Category A - Security and Governance
Other courses with appropriate content may be approved by the program advisor.
- CJS 103
- CJS 360a18
- CJS 369
- GEO 311
- GEO 334
- HIS 105
- HIS 336
- POL 151
- POL 254
- POL 255
- POL 259
- POL 351
- POL 352
- POL 355
- SOC 108
- SOC 220
- SOC 333
Take a minimum of 2 courses from Category B - World Markets and Development
Other courses with appropriate content may be approved by the program advisor.
- AGR 201
- COM 355
- ECO 103
- ECO 202
- ECO 245
- ECO 345
- ECO 346
- GEO 342
- IB 225
- MKT 350
- MGT 349
- MGT 350
- POL 358
- SOC 320
- SOC 375
Take a minimum of 2 courses from Category C - Culture, Science and Technology
Other courses with appropriate content may be approved by the program advisor.
- ANT 176
- ANT 185
- ART 275
- COM 218
- COM 272
- ENG 143 or LAN 143
- FCS 222
- GEO 100
- GEO 142
- GEO 331
- GEO 341
- HIS 332
- HSC 156
- HSC 206
- IDS 203
- IDS 254
- IT 214
- PHY 207
- PSY 327
- TEC 170
- TEC 275
- WGS 120
Take 1 additional elective course from any of the above categories
- No more than 6 credit hours can come from any one department. No more than 6 credit hours may be applied toward the student's major or another minor.
- At least 6 credit hours must be above the 100-level.
Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies
The minor in Interdisciplinary Studies offers students the opportunity to construct a program of study that allows them to attain specific educational goals that cannot be accommodated by existing minors at Illinois State University.
The transcripts for students who complete the minor will read: "Plan: Interdisciplinary Studies Individualized; Theme: ______" (the theme specified on the plan of study).
- A 3.00 cumulative GPA at the time of application
- Approved plan of study from at least 2 academic departments/schools containing 18 credit hours
- Submission of a portfolio of relevant coursework or culminating project documenting the accomplishment of learning objectives identified in the rationale submitted in support of the minor proposal
Admission to the minor in Interdisciplinary Studies may be requested after the completion of 15 semester hours of coursework and before the completion of 75 semester hours. Applicants should select an appropriate faculty advisor. The proposed plan of study must be approved by the faculty advisor and/or the Interdisciplinary Studies Minor advisor.
Minor in Latin American and Latino/a Studies (LAL)
The goals of the Minor in Latin American and Latino/a Studies are (a) to provide students with key concepts, information, and a foundation of knowledge rooted in several academic disciplines; (b) to examine the social, political, and cultural challenges of Latin America and the Latino/a populations in the global community; and (c) to foster a multicultural, pluralistic, and multi-lingual environment by focusing on the interrelations between the United States, Latin America, and its descendant populations.
This program is student centered and flexible. Students are expected to complete coursework in a variety of disciplines and departments. All individual programs of study must be planned in consultation with the Latin American and Latino/a Studies advisor. To ensure the integrity of the interdisciplinary of the minor, students must complete coursework from a minimum of three departments.
21 credit hours required
LAL 109 or SOC 109
Take 1 of the following (or if a student can show earned language credit in an indigenous language, those credits will be accepted)
Take 15 additional credit hours of electives from
- ANT 303
- ANT 383
- ENG 267
- FRE 112
- FRE 115
- FRE 116
- GEO 235A02
- HIS 104A03
- HIS 263
- HIS 282
- HIS 283
- IDS 203A15
- LAL 287
- LAL 291
- LAL 398A01
- LAL 398A02
- POL 240
- POL 340
- POR 111
- POR 112
- POR 115
- PSY 327A01
- SPA 112
- SPA 115
- SPA 116
- SPA 120
- SPA 233
- SPA 240
- SPA 244
- SPA 326
- SPA 327
- SPA 336
- THE 375
Other courses with appropriate Latin American or Latino/a Studies content may be approved by the advisor
- Students are strongly encouraged to study abroad in programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. See the Office of International Studies and Programs for information.
- Some courses are not available every semester.
Minor in Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies
The Minor in Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies provides an interdisciplinary approach to exploring the politics, society, cultures and economics of the countries in the Middle East and South Asia. This program is designed to be of interest to students who want to explore the socio-political-economic dynamics of the countries located in the region and their roles in the world. It also examines the impacts of the global politics, especially the US foreign policies, on the socio-political environment of this region.
Students are required to take a core of three courses in history, politics, and geography, as well as four elective courses. Elective courses can be chosen from the social sciences (Criminal Justice Sciences, Economics, Geography, History, Politics and Government and Sociology), and/or from the humanities (English, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, and Philosophy).
21 credit hours required
GEO 235A04
Take 1 of the following
Take 1 of the following
Take 4 additional courses (12 credit hours) from the following
- CJS 369
- ECO 245
- ENG 206 or LAN 206
- ENG 255
- ENG 261
- ENG 352
- HIS 267
- HIS 270
- HIS 271
- HIS 272
- HIS 307*
- HIS 370
- IDS 203A05
- PHI 207
- PHI 208
- POL 225
- POL 254
- POL 345*
- POL 349
- SOC 268
- No more than 9 hours may be selected from the student’s first or second major department.
- *Discuss with the advisor before taking these topics courses; only topics relevant to Middle Eastern or South Asian studies may count towards this minor.
- Participation in Middle Eastern or South Asian universities through Illinois State University or alternative study abroad programs, while not required, is strongly encouraged. Students can accumulate up to 6 credit hours of electives.
- Other courses approved by the director may be counted toward the minor. Refer to specific departments or schools for further course information including prerequisites.
Minor in Native American Studies
The minor in Native American Studies is designed to familiarize students with the histories, literatures, cultures, and futures of the indigenous citizens of North America. It will be of interest to students who wish to explore the unique political and social relationship that the First Nations and their members hold with the United States. It provides students with key concepts, information, and a foundation of knowledge rooted in several academic disciplines. Faculty from the departments of English, History, Sociology and Anthropology, and the School of Theatre and Dance participate in this minor. Students are required to take an interdisciplinary core of four courses from three different departments and Interdisciplinary Studies. Two electives from approved offerings by faculty in the field of Native American Studies may be selected as alternatives to the list of electives below.
18 credit hours required
Take both of the following courses
Take 1 of the following
Take 1 of the following
Take an additional 6 credits hours of courses from the following
In consultation with the director of the program, students may take an Independent Study (287); and/or Professional Practice (298/398) (may be on- or off-campus) and may apply up to 3 hours of either toward the minor
This program must be planned in consultation with the Native American Studies faculty director. With director approval, courses other than those listed above including courses in Native languages and other Native American Studies courses approved for transfer in from other accredited universities may be counted toward the minor.
A list of affiliated faculty and more information is available on the Native American Studies website: http://nativestudies.illinoisstate.edu. Departments participating in the minor are English, History, Sociology/Anthropology, and Theatre and Dance.
Minor in Peace and Conflict Resolutions Studies
The Minor in Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies is an interdisciplinary program that includes courses from eighteen departments. The Minor provides a comprehensive and in-depth approach to peace and conflict resolution theories and methods. Students are required to take an introductory course, as well as one course from each of four areas of inquiry (social justice, violence prevention and conflict resolution, environmental justice, and globalization), while also specializing in one of these areas with two additional courses. The minor's capstone experience is a professional practice.
The Minor allows students to examine the causes and prevention of war, as well as the nature of violence, including social oppression, discrimination and marginalization. They also learn peace strategies to overcome persecution and transform society to attain a more just and equitable international community. The inquiry encompasses micro to macro perspectives. At the micro end of the spectrum, students investigate non-violent ethics and conflict management; interpersonal communication and relations; intergroup relations; and diversity and gender issues. At the macro level, students explore the dynamics of international conflict, as well as approaches to peace and world order; ethnic and socioeconomic justice; multiculturism; renewable economics; and biodiversity.
Students are encouraged to consult with the program director and/or advisor regarding course selection.
21 hours required
- IDS 111 (includes 12-15 hours of practicum experience)
Electives (18 hours): Choose three courses from one group listed below and one course from each remaining group
Group A: Social Justice
Group B: Violence Prevention and Conflict Resolution
Group C: Environmental Justice
Group D: Globalization
Minor in Urban Studies
The Minor in Urban Studies is an interdisciplinary minor sponsored by the Departments of Geography, Geology, and the Environment, History, Politics and Government, and Sociology/Anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences. The program is designed for students who wish to learn about urban places from a social science perspective, although the minor will also benefit those with majors in the arts and humanities, business, education, social services, technology, design, and other fields. This program will provide a foundation, especially to those who wish to pursue careers in urban-related areas such as public administration, planning, design, preservation, public history, the environment, community development, and social services or to those who wish to pursue graduate study in these areas. The program’s features include required coursework in urban geography, history, political science, and sociology or anthropology. Students may choose from a range of elective courses, independent study with urban studies faculty, and an optional internship.
21 credit hours required
Take an additional 9 credit hours from the following
- ANT 374
- ANT 375
- ANT 392
- CJS 210
- CJS 314
- ECO 350
- GEO 303
- GEO 304
- GEO 306A22
- GEO 331
- GEO 370
- HIS 242
- HIS 258
- POL 231
- POL 232
- POL 334
- SOC 109
- SOC 260
- SOC 264
- SOC 333
- SOC 350
- SOC 362
- SOC 366
- TCH 232
- TEC 329
- Up to 3 credit hours of professional practice (398) or independent study (287) contributing to the minor and approved in advance by the urban studies advisor
- Students may use up to 6 hours of courses from their major program to fulfill minor requirements
- Students in majors outside the College of Arts and Sciences may, with approval from the urban studies advisor, apply up to 6 hours of courses from their college--including from their major program--in lieu of courses in the above list of electives
Minor in Water Sustainability
A Water Sustainability Studies minor provides students with an interdisciplinary perspective on a critical and necessary global resource that impacts every aspect of our lives: water. Sustainable water management has profound implications for a variety of anthropocentric sectors, including agriculture and food security, energy, economic development, public health, and ecosystem services. Additionally, how we interact with water affects the health of other species, ecological communities, and entire ecosystems. As a result, this minor complements many major fields of study.
18 credit hours required
Required Course:
Take 15 additional credit hours of electives (5 courses) from the following:
No more than 6 hours can come from any one department and no more than 9 hours can come from the major
- AGR 201
- AGR 203
- AGR 225
- AGR 234
- ANT 273
- BSC 196
- BSC 201
- BSC 311
- BSC 375
- BSC 376
- COM 274
- ECO 255
- GEO 100
- GEO 205
- GEO 207
- GEO 211
- GEO 276
- GEO 314
- GEO 318
- GEO 319
- GEO 341
- GEO 360
- GEO 361
- GEO 382
- HSC 252
- PHI 236
- PHI 250
- PHI 310
- PHY 207
- POL 236
- SOC 330
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
The Minor in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies enhances any undergraduate major by offering students an interdisciplinary curriculum that focuses on diverse experiences of women in both national and international contexts.
View Women's Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor Course Requirements